about JDZX10-10 Fully Enclosed 10kV Indoor High Voltage Voltage Transformer:
Product Features:
JDZX10-10 type voltage transformer is epoxy resin casting semi-insulated fully enclosed structure, suitable for rated frequency of 50-60Hz, rated voltage of 10kV AC indoor device for voltage, electrical energy measurement or relay protection use.
It is suitable for voltage and power measurement or relay protection in 10kV AC indoor installations.
The transformer is small in size, light in weight, has excellent insulation properties to withstand shock and mechanical pressure, and can protect the winding from moisture.
The transformer is small in size and light in weight.
All windings are completely cast in epoxy resin, small size, light weight, suitable for any position, any direction installation.
The windings are completely cast in epoxy resin.
Technical parameters:
Rated primary voltage: 10000/√3 V.
Rated secondary voltage: 100/√3 V.
Rated output of secondary winding: 0.2 class (or 0.5 class), 15 (or 30) VA.
Limit output: 200 VA.
Rated insulation level: 12/42/75 kV
Installation and Use Environment:
Suitable for altitudes up to 3000 meters above sea level.
Ambient ambient temperature not higher than +40 degrees and not lower than -5 degrees.
The relative humidity of the surrounding air is not more than 85% (20 degrees).
Satisfy class II filth level, no corrosive gas in the installation place.
Supplier Information:
JDZX10-10 type voltage transformer, including in-stock supply and customized service!
The products offered by the suppliers comply with GB1207 and IEC60044-2 standards.
Outline and installation dimensions:
Specific outline drawings and installation dimensions can be found in the product specification or contact the manufacturer for detailed information.

The above information provides detailed description, technical parameters, installation and usage environment, and supplier information of JDZX10-10 Voltage Transformer for your reference. If you need further selection or customization services, we recommend contacting the manufacturer directly for professional advice.